Sunday, September 7, 2008

Thank you

I owe a debt of gratitude and thanks to everyone who has been praying for me and supporting me since mid- August. I would not have made it this far without my family and friends showering me with love and encouragement.

I had gastric bypass surgery on the 14th of August. It was something I had been thinking and praying about since last October. The sugery went well, but my initial recovery was very difficult. In the past week and a half, I have come a long way. I am returning to more normal activities, but am usually wiped out at mid- day. I know that healing takes time, so I am trying to be patient and not try to rush things.

This process and total life changes has definitely brought me to my knees before God. I praise Him for giving me hope and comfort, as well as blessing me with exactly the people I would need to help me get through this and grow through this.

I especially want to thank my mom who came from MI to take care of me. She was and is my rock and my soft place. I love you mom!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Brand New Baby Niece

This past Sunday, I had the chance to meet my neice for the first time. It was love at first sight. Cali Theresa Efird is the most precious thing in the world. I look forward to watching her grow and being part of her life. I had some major baby envy goin' on. Thank goodness I can live vicariously through other people.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Baptism @ the Brook

This weekend was another awesome time at Southbrook Church. I got to serve on the First Impressions team and was asked to take pictures during the baptisms.

It was so good to hear Clayton King preach- he hasn't been in a while. I only wish he could have spoken longer. He always has the best stories to tell! (And if you didn't know- he tells different ones at every service. You have to go to them all.)

This is one of my favorite pictures. The expression on the girl's face is priceless. She is smiling, glowing really, as she emerges from the water. And doesn't Pastor Daryl look cool sporting his Southbrook shirt with the new logo?

I think its fun to worship in different environments, like outside. Return always does an awesome job at leading us. I felt bad for guests and non-regular attenders. There was no screen to display the lyrics, so people didn't really participate much. People didn't even stand up! What's up with that? I was clapping and singing all over the place.

Overall, the weekend was a huge success. Many believers chose to take the next step in their spiritual journey by publicly proclaiming their faith in Jesus Christ. And hopefully that is not the last thing they step up to do. There are many small groups and service opportunities to be looked into. If you were at the 11:30 service, you got to hear part of a story about a soldier who was captured in Iraq 6 months ago, regained his freedom 3 months ago, and got baptised in our pool yesterday. Check out Pastor Rob's blog for a more complete story.

My only cause for concern during this baptism blowout was the pool attendant. Why is he so grumpy and tired looking? I see this die hard Yankee fan always working, cleaning something, greeting someone, and hollering at the kids to keep their paws off the glass doors. SOMEBODY GET HIM SOME HAPPY PILLS!
Just Kidding! Ron is my boy.
We all need to pray that he finds someone to fill the open facilities position soon. He works all the time- no wonder he doesn't have the energy to smile. He's been working like a dog for a while now.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I'm Concerned

<----(This is the book- no bueno people!)

Hey blog readers, A friend told me about a recent YouTube video that she saw. It was about Oprah and a new book that she is promoting. I am not usually one for rumor mills or over reaction, but I am concerned. I decided to watch this video for myself. It was called “Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid.” That led me to check out video from her show and an online class that she co-hosts with the author of “A New Earth.” Not only am I worried about the lies and half truths that are being spoken, but the immense number of people that are listening to and buying into this new belief system. I am glad however, that there seem to be real Christ followers picking up on this and responding online with Scripture verses. I almost want to read this book to see how bad it is and be informed on what people are buying into, but I am afraid it will pollute my mind and spirit.

I don’t want to comment too much, because I am just skimming the surface of this topic. What I saw and heard grieved my heart for the people that were searching for something. Unfortunately, the biggest, loudest voice that responded to their questions was Oprah, who calls herself a ”liberal Christian” in one of the web class videos, then goes on to say that Jesus is not the only way to God, that the world is too big to believe that.

-Lord, Thank you for the gift of your Son, and your Spirit. Thank you that my parents told me about you before I turned to the world for answers. Thank you for Southbrook and for Pastor Rob, who speaks the truth. Please continue to keep watch over your sheep who are being led astray by this propaganda and help them to recognize the one true Shepherd and Savior. Amen
PS- Rob's message was awesome this weekend! You should download the podcast off iTunes if you missed it.

Monday, March 17, 2008

One Month to Live

Hey blog readers-
I'm trying to make a comeback, I really am. This upcoming series will give me a good chance to share my thoughts and reactions to what's covered. Please check out this video from Jay, our Home Groups Director at Southbrook. I love Jay dearly- he's such a cornball! He must be getting sick, at the begining he sounds like he's trying to do the Godfather.

Until next time...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A New Church is Born

This morning I got to go back in time, well sort of. I visited a church called Centre Pointe with some friends who had recently started going there. I felt like I had traveled back about 6-7 years to the beginnings of Southbrook. I was not there for the launch of my church, but I got to witness the start of something great. This “baby” church is in Locust, NC and meets in an elementary school. When my best friend was telling me all about it, I could hear the excitement in her voice.

She and her husband have been looking for a church home for some time. They needed to find a place that was their choice, not their parents or friends, and a place where they felt called by God to be. The location for CP is great because as far as I know, there is nothing like it out in that rural part of Stanly County. Through my friend, I have had glimpses into status quo churches and people acting religious on one day then the opposite the next. This pastor and the church will have to combat a lot of old school thinking and people set in their ways- what else is new?

This church is anything but status quo. After the first time they went to CP, I could tell that they connected to something there. They were amazed at the friendliness of the people, the welcoming atmosphere, and awesome worship and preaching. I get that every week at SB, which I am very grateful for.

This morning, the big launch consisted of a set up that was 1/3 smaller than our video cafĂ©, and it was filled about 80%, and probably with some people just checking it out in response to a mailer that was sent out. Despite CP’s humble beginnings, I felt the Holy Spirit moving in that place. The pastor obviously has a vision to reach people in the community where they are at.

I confess I felt like I was watching a new chick hatch out of its egg this morning. It was so fluffy and new and little. I just wanted to take care of it and show it how to grow up. But that is not my place. It is for God to decide and guide how big the church will get or how small it will stay. It is for that body to pray, invite, and strain to see God’s will be done.

Whenever I experience other churches, it always reminds me how blessed I am to be connect to Southbrook. I wish everyone could come here, but whatever church believers attend, we are all the body, all the Bride of Christ.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines's Day

I know, you're saying "what is she taking about? It's not a happy day- I'm single. Its just a Hallmark holiday anyway." Well, that may be true, hey, this is the world we live in. I know that for the past 2 weeks, I have been bombarded by pink cupcakes at Harris Teeter, fake roses at the gas station, and obnoxious balloons everywhere else.

I also have seen a lot of the outward expressions of love today at the high school where I teach. The teenagers are sooo in love with their current love interest, they don't see 5 or 10+ years into their own futures. They are all so sure they are going to be with their boy/girlfriend FOREVER! We all have some years behind us since our own school days, and hopefully we have a better idea of what REAL love is.

In my own spiritual walk and growth as a person, I have struggled to understand and accept love from various people. I still struggle to this day with this topic. I always come back to this passage in Romans to remind me what true, selfless, self-sacrificing love is: the love of our Creator and Savior.

Romans 8:38-39 (New Living Translation)
38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[
a] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

-Talk about FOREVER!

Today, I am going to think about the love of my Savior, the love I have from and feel for my family, and the love I have for my friends. I hope you will do the same.