Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer of Jesus | Week 2

– lots of stuff, it’s a big one!

(Summer of Jesus is my home group's study. It will definitely take us longer than just the summer to get through. I am sharing parts of what we discuss and mostly my thoughts and observations. I am not a scholar or Bible teacher, just a regular person, studying the Word with other Christ-followers, and trying to apply Jesus' teachings to my own life)

Fishermen- Matt 4:18-22, Mark 1:16-20, Luke 5:1-11

· Jesus called the men in the midst of their regular lives. He didn’t come convince or paint a picture for them, he just said “come.”
· Jesus used common people to come along side him, they had no special skills that made them qualified. I am not specially skilled or qualified, just willing to be used.


· James and John had to leave their father and their jobs/security. Could Jesus ask me to leave something good in order to get something better? Where the men were was good, but they were able to ultimately grow closer to Jesus because they were obedient to his calling.


· People were listening to the Word being preached (crowds were pressing in, possibly to their own discomfort.) One of Kelly's biggest takeaways from her Peru missions trip is the fact that the people would walk for a day(s), possibly in the rain, stand/sit in filth, just to hear the Word preached. We complain about having to get up at 9 to come to our nice, cushy worship service on Sunday morning. We take for granted the 5 Bibles we have sitting on our shelves.
· Jesus asked Peter (Simon) to use what he had, his boats, to help him in preaching. What do I have that can be used to help in Jesus' mission?
· Jesus had to press Peter to go further to get the “catch” Jesus had for him. I should expect my pastor to push and challenge me.
· Peter hesitates even though he is given a direct command, but is eventually obedient. Peter was already working hard. Even though he was hard at work, Peter offered to do more if that is what Jesus wanted. I sometimes rest, thinking that I have done enough, but I need to have Peter's attitude of offering to do more. He is humbled at Jesus’ faithfulness and struck with awe.

The First Disciples - John 1:35-51

· John was with his disciples, spending time with them, investing in them. I am so busy sometimes, I forget that it takes time to reach people for Jesus. Relationships take time and energy.
· John has a leadership role and faithfully executes that by pointing his followers to Jesus. He was replicating himself by way of his disciples.
· Jesus looked around to see who was following him; He asks them what they are looking for?
· “Are you on the right track?” “What do you want from Jesus/God/the church/the leader?”
· Jesus tells them to “come and see.”
· The men thought “What do I need to do to be near where You are?” They continued to spend time with Jesus. What am I willing to do to be where Jesus is?
· Andrew went and found his brother (who was close to him) first and brought him. I am blessed that the people in my immediate family are already believers. I hope that my heart would be burdened for them if they were not.
· When you meet Jesus, you will be changed (like Simon being called Peter after he met Jesus.)
· Jesus finds Phillip (He draws people to himself). Believers bring non-believers to Him. I live in a Christian bubble. Who do I know that I could invite to church/to know Jesus?
· Phillip was a new believer who sought to bring in other new people RIGHT AWAY. Phillip looked to bring Nathaniel.
· Nathaniel’s initial response is doubt and skepticism. Jesus handled him and his question! He can take it. (v.46)
· Jesus knows us and our heart/character before we ever attempt to come near him. (v.47)
· Jesus saw the men right where they were. Could Jesus use me to be a ‘Phillip’ to a ‘Nathaniel’?
· Jesus does question their belief in him. “Do you have real faith in me?” What if he or has he asked me at some point to affirm my faith in him?
· He promises that we will see the great things of heaven!
· Jesus had prior contact with the men before he called them to be full-time disciples. There was some kind of initial surface relationship to build on. There was a ‘check it out’ mentality.

· The Gospel of John is focused on his ministry to his disciples, and focuses on contacts with individuals and on private conversations.
· The Gospels are not biographies; there was a larger pool of info that the writers had to draw from. They chose what to include based on what served the specific purpose God had for them (Matthew- written to the Jews, shows that Jesus is the Messiah, Mark- written to foreign Gentiles (non-Jews) living outside their immediate area to show God’s Son in action (the miracles), Luke- written to Gentiles to show that Jesus is the savior of all mankind, and John- written to all people focusing more on what Jesus said, not what he did.

Water Into Wine- John 2:1-11

· The wedding was a common event that was used to give Jesus glory.
· Jesus starts by stating that the current problem was not necessarily theirs to deal with. Do we have to decide what is truly our issue to get involved with?
· Mary was certain that Jesus would “fix” things. Proud mama, I think.
· The best wine was reserved ‘til last- Jesus was revealed later. God’s best for us is yet to be revealed!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer of Jesus | Week 1

John Baptizes Jesus
Mk 1:9-11, Lk 3:21-22, Mt 3:13-17, Jn 1:29-34

Jesus models what we are supposed to do when we accept Him as Lord and Savior.

Some people believe that you only receive the Holy Spirit when you are baptized, so they might think that the act saves them.

Jesus’ Temptation in the Desert
Mk 1:12-13, Mt 4:1-11, Lk 4:1-13

Jesus was being obedient to the immediate calling of the Holy Spirit. Jesus being obedient was leading him to a temptation.

Satan tempted Jesus when he was weak and isolated. After Jesus resists him, Satan then waits fro the next opportune time to attack him.

Satan uses what will possibly work to tempt; in this case, he uses the Scriptures to turn God’s own words against him.

Satan knows what will work on us, he can use the good things of God.

Jesus stands up to Satan by using Scripture as a defense.

We are told in Mt 26:39 to keep watch (be mindful, prepared, and ready) and to pray (communion w/God and God strengthening us SO THAT we are able to stand up, and as Jesus models, he “sticks it” to Satan by quoting Scripture to him.

Satan is compared to a lion (1 Pt 5:8-10). He prowls around waiting to attack. Real lions stalk their prey; their end game is not just to wound but you but to rip you apart and kill you. Lions look to attack the young, the weak, and those are already wounded and hurt.

What is "The Summer of Jesus"?

ahh... and so I'm back. There is just too much to share. I do not promise to write everyday, every week, or every month. Busyness is the black plague of our time and I am just as susceptible as the next person. However, since my home group has begun our current Bible study series, I have thought so many times "I should resurrect the blog." I am not a Bible scholar or teacher, but over the past year, I have learned that I don't have to be. The only thing necessary for any Christ follower to do is to pray that the Holy Spirit will teach you and reveal things to you when reading the Word. So any haters who will attempt to give me a hard time about my irregularity of posting, here is a preemptive talk to the hand!
My pastor said that one should blog for himself and not to please others. So hear we go- constructive, positive feedback is welcome, and suggestions for blog topics down the road could be interesting...