Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Gotta Represent

Someone asked me this week “How many singles are there at Southbrook?” I said “Six or so. I don’t really know.” The truth is: I know there are single people attending, there has to be. Hey, that’s ok. I am happy be one of the few to “keep it real” and “represent” in a swarming sea of married people and families.

[Sidenote: Perry Noble has a few things to say to single guys and single gals. There is a lot of good reading on the subject too. Check out Joshua Harris’s Boy Meets Girl, then go back and read I Kissed Dating Goodbye.]

I have struggled with my singleness for a long time. It still occupies some of my thoughts. I used to think I was not complete unless I had a significant other. Through some ups and downs, I have finally allowed Jesus to fill the place in my heart and life. Another person will never give purpose to my life. A man/boyfriend/husband type person cannot make me happy. God has shown me that my time as a single person is the perfect opportunity to serve. Whether that is another year or two, or twenty, it doesn't matter. It's a blessing. I don’t have a spouse or kids to keep me running around.

[Sidenote 2: Pastor Rob said to the single guys at church “it’s not that difficult. Look around and find a wife.” I have to disagree with him on that point. It’s not that easy to get meet Mr. or Ms. Right. (I think I heard an Amen! from the back row…)]

Serving with others has so many benefits:1- answering the Biblical charge to take care of others, 2- meet new people and develop relationships with them, 3- opportunities to share Christ, and 4- it’s just plain fun!

I am looking forward to starting to serve with Union County Habitat for Humanity. You can be sure to hear about it in the near future.

Feel free to share your insights on singleness, serving, keepin’ it real…

Thursday, October 25, 2007

God's Beautiful Creation

I am constantly reminded of how awesome God is by his living creation. We are so blessed that our Creator is such a masterful artist. He gives all creativity, imagination, and appreciation, not to mention the senses we use to appreciate His works. This picture was taken at one of my stops along the way of the Blue Ridge Parkway last weekend. It was my first time to the mountains since I have lived here, and I'm definitely going back again (just not on an App. game day).

Hospitals are for Old People, Right?

Those events in our lives that propel us into adulthood are coming more frequently in my life than they used to and I don’t like it. It’s not that I don’t want to get older (I mean I don’t but that is not the point), but I don’t want to do the things that adults have to do.

I have been dealing with my best friend lately who has been going through an ordeal with her husband. He has a heart condition that has recently had him in and out of the hospital. This morning (Wed.) the surgeons at CMC repaired a hole in his heart. I am out of my league here. I don’t know how to be helpful without sounding trite, saying things like “give it to God.” There is nothing I can do to help my friend or her in-laws.

When this all started about 6 weeks ago, I didn’t really know what to do then either. I could run errands, be there for support, call family, etc. Through the process that I was minimally involved in, I found myself being impatient and critical. I was and still am unable to understand the range of emotions that these people are going through. I am not married and no one in my family has ever been unexpectedly sick or even in the hospital. I have had things in that regard pretty smooth. I watch my friend, who has anxiety issues to begin with, not be able to cope with what is happening. I think to myself “get a grip.” I have thought that she has been so unreasonable in her fear. Hello! I have no clue what she is going through.

All I have been thinking is that she needs to trust God more (which may be true) but what kind of friend have I been? Christians are supposed to be willing to give up anything for Jesus, which many probably are. How many of us actually face that and are able to do it? I have never had to give up the most precious thing in my earthly life and in the same breath still be able to praise God. I am reminded of Southbrook member Kitty Hinkle speaking of how her husband’s death this summer actually brought her closer to God. Wow, that is amazing!

The more I think other people need to change (usually to make my life easier), the more God points out that it is I that needs to change. Instead of my friend needing to change her perspective, God has shown me that I need to be more compassionate to her and people in general.

If someone …sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person? 1 John 3:17

Don’t forget to check out Pastor Rob’s Blog

Monday, October 15, 2007

My Sin keeps Chasing Me…

How quickly we forget what it can really feel like to wrestle with sin. We might have bad habits that we work on, or ongoing prayer for spiritual growth and discipline. But when you are going about your journey and things are pretty ok, then WHAM- you get caught up in sin that is so poisonous and so harming. It’s like a Jekyll and Hyde moment. Was that really me? Did I just do that? (Yes, and you’re not the only one to have noticed.) Ouch!

I would like to be able to flee specific situations that might cause me to sin, but I can’t. It is not a cop out, I really can’t. I have given Satan a foothold in my mind and know I’m really in trouble. I want to go and hide, but my “sin” will keep calling me. Holy Spirit, I need so much help! This is not something I can overcome on my own. I need strength to resist the temptation to be mean, to speak unkindly, and to be un-Christ-like.

So I have decided to become mute. That is the most prudent course of action at this time. Wait, that’s only going to last about 5 seconds. Prayer was the good ol’ back up plan- I should go with that. OK, not talking is the new back up plan.

I am so glad that I have other people to help with this situation. That’s what my small group is there for. Yes, we do Bible study, and yes, we pray. The real purpose of our group is that we are doing life together. We share ups and downs, dinners and movies, and most importantly we share praises and prayers. If it was just me, I could cover up the sin and keep going. But with other people watching my spiritual back, I can be open about my struggle. I know that they will help keep me accountable and pray for me during the process.

From Ephesians 6
Verse 10- A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we
are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.
In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Pastor Geoffrey strikes again!

This week's Wed. night service was awesome. Geoffrey has been going through 1 Peter for a while now, and I really like how slow and in depth his teaching is. Specifically, we were in chapter 4, verses 1-6. The passage talks about living for God and struggling with sin. What a great topic- never gets old, everyone needs to apply the ideas in his/her own life. It was even more poignant because just the night before, my small group had been studying Romans chapter 7 verses 14-25. Both talk of being dead to sin, yet continuing to sin. It took me a few re-reads to get it crystal clear in the ol’ noggin. If we have died to our own sinful ways, why does Paul say “I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is a power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me.”? Paul had just said in chapter 6 that we are now slaves to God… I’ll keep reading both books.

Geoffrey also pointed out that we need to humble ourselves before God, and to recognize and admit our sin (He knows anyway, right?). Many of us have read or heard Psalm 139 where it says “search me God and know my heart… point out anything that offends you.” That’s just the first part of what we have to do in our struggle with sin. The next step is to allow God to break you of that sin, to really give it to Him. That’s the part I really have a hard time with. I can pray and pray, but when I actually have to surrender it to Him, I realize I’ve got the death grip and I don’t want to let go. I’ve been holding, hiding, excusing, and living in it so long, it will be like a part of me will be missing (never mind that it would be a good thing to loose).

Pastor Geoffrey told us 5 aspects of overcoming sin:

1) COMMITMENT- to say no
2) REPEAT frequently- identify sin patterns, then replace them with something else
3) make NO EXCEPTIONS- not one time
4) be DILLIGENT in all areas and
5) DON”T BE DISCOURAGED- we all mess up; put sin back at the cross and Jesus back on the throne of your life.

We need to protect ourselves as a soldier going into battle. How?

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”

Check out Pastor Rob’s blog- if your mind is not already too blown away by my awesome relaying of Pastor Geoffrey’s message…