Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hospitals are for Old People, Right?

Those events in our lives that propel us into adulthood are coming more frequently in my life than they used to and I don’t like it. It’s not that I don’t want to get older (I mean I don’t but that is not the point), but I don’t want to do the things that adults have to do.

I have been dealing with my best friend lately who has been going through an ordeal with her husband. He has a heart condition that has recently had him in and out of the hospital. This morning (Wed.) the surgeons at CMC repaired a hole in his heart. I am out of my league here. I don’t know how to be helpful without sounding trite, saying things like “give it to God.” There is nothing I can do to help my friend or her in-laws.

When this all started about 6 weeks ago, I didn’t really know what to do then either. I could run errands, be there for support, call family, etc. Through the process that I was minimally involved in, I found myself being impatient and critical. I was and still am unable to understand the range of emotions that these people are going through. I am not married and no one in my family has ever been unexpectedly sick or even in the hospital. I have had things in that regard pretty smooth. I watch my friend, who has anxiety issues to begin with, not be able to cope with what is happening. I think to myself “get a grip.” I have thought that she has been so unreasonable in her fear. Hello! I have no clue what she is going through.

All I have been thinking is that she needs to trust God more (which may be true) but what kind of friend have I been? Christians are supposed to be willing to give up anything for Jesus, which many probably are. How many of us actually face that and are able to do it? I have never had to give up the most precious thing in my earthly life and in the same breath still be able to praise God. I am reminded of Southbrook member Kitty Hinkle speaking of how her husband’s death this summer actually brought her closer to God. Wow, that is amazing!

The more I think other people need to change (usually to make my life easier), the more God points out that it is I that needs to change. Instead of my friend needing to change her perspective, God has shown me that I need to be more compassionate to her and people in general.

If someone …sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person? 1 John 3:17

Don’t forget to check out Pastor Rob’s Blog

1 comment:

Josh Via said...

That's a good word, Jen. Thanks for your heart for the Lord.