Sunday, June 13, 2010

That made my day!

- I probably wouldn't read this post if I was me b/c I don't read long blogs, but whatever. Make a cup of coffee and hunker down.

I don't actually know why I am so happy about this (I probably have pride issues), but it has put a smile on my face and it's not going away. I was having dinner tonight with my friend Christy and her younger cousin Hannah at Brixx Pizza. Conversation happening, etc., etc.- fast forward to the good part...

Christy says to me "Hannah goes to (the high school I used to teach at)... Hannah took art this year... Jen used to teach art there." That's when her cousin says something like "Oh, that's you? People talk about you there. All the students miss you. They say you were the best art teacher. Yeah, I heard you gave them a lot of work and were tough, but they respected you because they learned a lot. They still talk about you."

My jaw hit the table and I started the grand inquiry. "Really!?! Wow. I never thought they would miss me. Blah, blah, blah." I couldn't shut up about it and I definitely can't stop thinking about it. I was completely floored!

That is the best compliment I have ever received. Now, don't get me wrong. There are plenty of students that came through my classroom, punched the time clock (so to speak), and went on their way. There was many times when I would ask myself what was I doing this job for? Did it really matter? Was it worth all the frustration? Now I know- yes. Yes it was worth it, yes it mattered to some people.

I've had it in the back of my mind for years that I was really working for God, not a principal or dept. chair. (That has helped me do great at some not so great jobs.) But I now realize that I missed an opportunity to see a light in my workplace to my fellow teachers, but to know that I was able to positively affect a few students- that is priceless. It's nice to be missed, but that I was respected... I don't have the words. I never tried to be their friend, and I would tell them that- "I'm not your friend, I'm your teacher." I might have even said "I don't care if you like me."

I used to question the way I taught and I would come to the conclusion that I couldn't do it any other way. It was who I was and how I was. Being that laissez-faire, look the other way teacher was not me; I was all about the business (example-I labeled all the drawers and cabinets meticulously). I am reminded, even now in my present situations, that God made me a certain way, and to try to be something different is a waste of time.

Short story- long: I hope you get the encouragement you need to keep charging up whatever hill God has placed you on.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Things I've Been Chewing On

One of the books I am currently reading was recommended by my pastor during a recent mid-week service at church. "Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby has been awesome so far. Here are some of the things that are still lingering upstairs:
  • It is one thing to believe in God's power, it is quite another to live your life in obedient response to an all-powerful God.
  • God calls you into a relationship in which He is Lord- where you are willing to do and be anything He chooses.
  • "Where I am, there My servant also will be." John 12:26
  • When you offer yourself to God as His servant, He first expects to shape you into the instrument of His choosing. He will always work in you before He works through you.

That last one especially has been very real for me recently. (Raise your hand if you think God is currently shaping you and refining you through life circumstances and relationships...) You are such a LIAR!! Raise your hand right now. God loves us too much to leave us just where we are, just as we are.

There's way more highlight-worthy tidbits in there, so just go ahead and get the book. -JM

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

LifeGroup (cont'd)

"It's raining outside, therefore it must be Tuesday and time for small group." That is the running joke among our group. It seems like more Tuesdays than not, it rains. No one really cares, but it is uncanny that right around the 7 o'clock hour, the cold wet stuff starts coming down and my peeps start coming through my front door.

We had another great time together. Not only are we going through a book together that is really speaking to each of us, but we set time aside tonight specifically to pray together. Tonight was the third of four 'special' gatherings. During the first week of IMPACT, we were challenged to fellowship together (a.k.a hang out), celebrate communion together, pray together, and to serve together. A month ago we all went to Dave and Buster's and got our fill of video games and skee ball. I spent $20 and through all my toil and display of useless skill, I walked out with Spree candy. (It' all good- I'm not competitive. I only really cared when I left the candy in the car and it melted.) Two weeks ago we had communion together and a time of worship time led by one of our very own.

Tonight we prayed for almost 45 minutes for our pastor, our church, missionaries over seas, and the concerns in our own lives. The person leading prayer had looked up several Scripture verses, some of which reminded us that the Holy Spirit prays for us, we should pray without ceasing, and God does hear our prayers. I especially loved hearing people pray that wouldn't normally have done so.

In another two weeks, we will be serving together. Maybe it will be within Southbrook, maybe through one of the organizations we partner with, or who knows, maybe something totally unexpected. It doesn't ultimately matter what we do. God will give the person leading that project a great opportunity. My group will serve side by side and get to know each other's hearts even more in the process. It is amazing how quickly you become unified and of one mind when you are working toward a common goal.

We are going to continue these special activities every couple of weeks and I can't wait to see how God continues to grow and shape our group.

I encourage every believer to find and invest in a smaller group of people. This LifeGroup (people living life together) has so much to offer- friendship, encouragement, comfort, accountability, etc. I was one of those people that warmed a seat in my church every Sunday for many years. God has used my involvement in my LifeGroup to challenge and refine me and I hope that never changes.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The IMPACT of my LifeGroup

We can all look back over our lives, the recent or the long ago, and pick out choices, decisions, events, etc. that have influenced us and the person that we are today. In my own life, I've had positive and negative experiences that I look back on and now realize that they have affected me in a way that left me changed.
  • my parent's divorce
  • choosing a relationship with Jesus vs. religion when I was 19
  • moving from MI to NC (to name a few)

This Sunday at church, we looked back over the last 10 years of the church and Pastor Rob challenged the people of Southbrook to join a LifeGroup (a.k.a- small group, home group- basically a smaller group of people to do life with). I emailed the group leaders to get feedback on the LifeGroup fair that happened at the end of service and I asked them for stories of life change because of their group.

I realized that I have a story- I have been changed forever because of my LifeGroup:

When I moved here from Michigan after graduating college, I left a great church behind- at least, I think it was great. I don't actually know for sure, because I never got involved or met anyone. I sat in service every Sunday, enjoyed the worship and teaching, but then went home. I would stand around and have a donut and coffee, but only ever talked to my mom and sister. I don't actually know what I had missed. I told myself that I was too busy going to college full time and working full time to get involved. Yeah, I did have a lot going on, but they were just really good excuses for my priorities being out of whack.

I found Southbrook after checking out a couple of other churches. That 'at home' feeling settled in on my second visit, after talking to a First Impressions volunteer. I prayed about letting it be different this time. The fresh start was still there for me, I knew there was more than just the weekend service.

Something many of my Charlotte friends don't know about me is that I used to be very shy and introverted. I prayed so hard for God to give me the guts to try and meet some people at what would become my church home for the past five and a half years. I was introduced to a gal my age, who was actually on staff, and she invited me to her home group. I went, after psyching myself into it. I literally had to give myself a pep talk in the car just so I would go up to the front door (not to mention I was late from getting lost).

That first night was just the beginning of a group that would grow and change over the next few years...