Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The IMPACT of my LifeGroup

We can all look back over our lives, the recent or the long ago, and pick out choices, decisions, events, etc. that have influenced us and the person that we are today. In my own life, I've had positive and negative experiences that I look back on and now realize that they have affected me in a way that left me changed.
  • my parent's divorce
  • choosing a relationship with Jesus vs. religion when I was 19
  • moving from MI to NC (to name a few)

This Sunday at church, we looked back over the last 10 years of the church and Pastor Rob challenged the people of Southbrook to join a LifeGroup (a.k.a- small group, home group- basically a smaller group of people to do life with). I emailed the group leaders to get feedback on the LifeGroup fair that happened at the end of service and I asked them for stories of life change because of their group.

I realized that I have a story- I have been changed forever because of my LifeGroup:

When I moved here from Michigan after graduating college, I left a great church behind- at least, I think it was great. I don't actually know for sure, because I never got involved or met anyone. I sat in service every Sunday, enjoyed the worship and teaching, but then went home. I would stand around and have a donut and coffee, but only ever talked to my mom and sister. I don't actually know what I had missed. I told myself that I was too busy going to college full time and working full time to get involved. Yeah, I did have a lot going on, but they were just really good excuses for my priorities being out of whack.

I found Southbrook after checking out a couple of other churches. That 'at home' feeling settled in on my second visit, after talking to a First Impressions volunteer. I prayed about letting it be different this time. The fresh start was still there for me, I knew there was more than just the weekend service.

Something many of my Charlotte friends don't know about me is that I used to be very shy and introverted. I prayed so hard for God to give me the guts to try and meet some people at what would become my church home for the past five and a half years. I was introduced to a gal my age, who was actually on staff, and she invited me to her home group. I went, after psyching myself into it. I literally had to give myself a pep talk in the car just so I would go up to the front door (not to mention I was late from getting lost).

That first night was just the beginning of a group that would grow and change over the next few years...

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