Monday, July 13, 2009

What is "The Summer of Jesus"?

ahh... and so I'm back. There is just too much to share. I do not promise to write everyday, every week, or every month. Busyness is the black plague of our time and I am just as susceptible as the next person. However, since my home group has begun our current Bible study series, I have thought so many times "I should resurrect the blog." I am not a Bible scholar or teacher, but over the past year, I have learned that I don't have to be. The only thing necessary for any Christ follower to do is to pray that the Holy Spirit will teach you and reveal things to you when reading the Word. So any haters who will attempt to give me a hard time about my irregularity of posting, here is a preemptive talk to the hand!
My pastor said that one should blog for himself and not to please others. So hear we go- constructive, positive feedback is welcome, and suggestions for blog topics down the road could be interesting...

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