Monday, July 11, 2011

On Fire- A God Moment

God is so amazing! All the time, but it just hit me like a wave...

Coming back from Haiti and re-entering my normal life has been a challenge. My team and I have been back for 17 days and I'm struggling with unrest in my spirit. I'm committed to seek God about it and through it, but the day to day stuff is still difficult.

Tonight, I was on the phone with my sister, then my brother. I was telling them both a little about how I'm feeling. (I know I sound messed up when I get tag-team calls from them.) One of the last things my brother said to me was "Don't forget how many people you impact, that to them it's important what you've done. You might not think it was anything, but you really help people." My non-emotional response was something like "Yeah, I know."

Moments later, as I was ending the call with my brother David, I got a text. It said "You rock."

This simple gesture brought me to tears. God used a member of Southbrook to encourage me. This man has done this before for me, lifting me up when I am discouraged. His and God's timing could not have been more perfect. The tears kept coming as "On Fire" by Switchfoot came on my iPod. (I'll just say it- I was a bit of a mess for several minutes.)

How amazing is God?- to know what I needed before I knew what to ask for and to provide it within moments of me realizing my need. Tonight I was overcome with gratitude for who God is and a renewed appreciation for how he works.

This was a huge God moment for me. I haven't blogged in a long time, but I couldn't not share. I believe that all Christ followers have encounters with God, I call them God moments. He reveals some aspect of Himself, His will, or His truth to us and it stops us dead in our tracks. My experience could not have been more powerful, small as it may seem to some. It's mine though, and it has affected me greatly.

I pray that as we seek God, we can have eyes to see Him.