[Sidenote: Perry Noble has a few things to say to single guys and single gals. There is a lot of good reading on the subject too. Check out Joshua Harris’s Boy Meets Girl, then go back and read I Kissed Dating Goodbye.]
I have struggled with my singleness for a long time. It still occupies some of my thoughts. I used to think I was not complete unless I had a significant other. Through some ups and downs, I have finally allowed Jesus to fill the place in my heart and life. Another person will never give purpose to my life. A man/boyfriend/husband type person cannot make me happy. God has shown me that my time as a single person is the perfect opportunity to serve. Whether that is another year or two, or twenty, it doesn't matter. It's a blessing. I don’t have a spouse or kids to keep me running around.
[Sidenote 2: Pastor Rob said to the single guys at church “it’s not that difficult. Look around and find a wife.” I have to disagree with him on that point. It’s not that easy to get meet Mr. or Ms. Right. (I think I heard an Amen! from the back row…)]
Serving with others has so many benefits:1- answering the Biblical charge to take care of others, 2- meet new people and develop relationships with them, 3- opportunities to share Christ, and 4- it’s just plain fun!
I am looking forward to starting to serve with Union County Habitat for Humanity. You can be sure to hear about it in the near future.
Feel free to share your insights on singleness, serving, keepin’ it real…